Multi Day Event Form - Basic Details

Please complete basic details of your multi day event below. You may want to type your event details using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word) and only copy them into this form when you're ready.

Eye-catching title
Please fill in this field
Intended or suggested dates - must be at least 90 days from now
Please fill in these fields
Organiser name(s)
Please fill in this field
Organiser email address (enter only one email address)
Please fill in this field
Advisory - may be amended
Please fill in this field
Brief overview of event
Please fill in this field
May only be shown on our Meetup group when full event details are provided
Please fill in this field

Remember, you need to ensure full details will be ready and submitted no later than 3 months before the date of the event (the date will appear on the web page for your event). Use your diary, mobile phone reminder, personal organiser or electronic calendar etc. if necessary.