Day Event Form - Full Details

Please complete full details of your event below. There are examples of completed forms for a day event or Thursday evening event. You may want to type your event details using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word) and only copy them into this form when you're ready.

Eye-catching title
Please fill in this field
Intended or suggested date - must be at least 7 days from now
Please fill in this field
Organiser name(s)
Please fill in this field
Organiser email address (enter only one email address)
Please fill in this field
Advisory - may be amended
Please fill in this field
Estimated/actual activity/travel costs; deposit required by when and how it should be paid
Please fill in this field
Main, intended and possible activities; fitness/experience required; level of difficulty; clothing/equipment needed; for activities with routes, state distance, linear/circular, pace (2 mph is norm), villages/towns/sights, terrain (flat, muddy, boggy, hilly, steep, suitable for push chairs etc.); other groups the activity is shared with (if any)
Please fill in this field
When refreshments will be available (lunch, am/pm tea stop, evening etc.); where refreshments will be available (cafe/pub/restaurant, tea shop, church, village/town); what refreshments (packed lunch, pub menu etc.)
Please fill in this field
Key public transport options (train/coach times if meet location is a station); main road route from Harrow; offer to co-ordinate car sharing; parking facilities and cost
Please fill in this field
Start time; where event starts (full address and postcode)
Please fill in this field
End time; where event ends (full address and postcode) if different from start place, otherwise 'start point'
Please fill in this field
(Optional) Google Maps link to start point (may be useful if a postcode search gives inaccurate results)
(Optional) what3words code for start point e.g. poetry.saying.wipes (may be useful if a postcode search gives inaccurate results)
Only uncheck this box if start and end points are different

(Optional) Google Maps link to end point (if different from start point; may be useful if a postcode search gives inaccurate results)
(Optional) what3words code for end point e.g. poetry.saying.wipes (if different from start point; may be useful if a postcode search gives inaccurate results)
(Optional) Any useful website links
Allow this event to be shown on our Meetup group?
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